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Statements to include in your RPG-ILE CGI's
this means Version 2
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Saturday, March 01

To make it faster to write your ILE-RPG CGI's, we have prepared some source members that will be included in your sources through /copy ... statements.

Those members are automatically added to your QRPGLESRC source file when you run command cgidev2/setcgilib.

They are automatically included in your prototype CGI ILE-RPG source when you run command cgidev2/crtcgisrc.

Here comes the list of those members:

  1. hspecs
    It provides defaults for your CRTRPGMOD command
  2. hspecsbnd
    It provides binding information for your CRTPGM command, so you do not need to specify it
  3. prototypeb
    It provides the layouts of service program subprocedures prototypes
  4. usec
    It provides the standard layout of APIs return code
  5. variables1 or
    variables2 or
    variables3 or
    They define most of the variables used to invoke service program subprocedures. Three member are available, depending on the combination of "read input" and "parsing" procedures that you may select in command cgidev2/crtcgisrc.
  6. prolog1 or
    prolog2 or
    They perform the read of the string inputted from the remote browser. Three member are available, depending on the combination of "read input" and "parsing" procedures that you may select in command cgidev2/crtcgisrc.