* Number of input variables
DnbrVars s 10i 0
* Saved query string
* Saved query string
D s 32767 varying
* Constant for updHTMLvar subprocedure
D initHTMLVars c '0'
* For returning environment variables
D Remote_ide S 512A
D Remote_use S 512A
D Q_String S 512A
D S_Software S 256A File containing
D S_Name S 256A File containing
D S_Protocol S 256A File containing
D G_Interf S 256A File containing
D S_Port S 256A File containing
D R_Method S 256A File containing
D P_Info S 256A File containing
D P_Trans S 256A File containing
D Script_N S 256A File containing
D R_Host S 256A File containing
D R_Addr S 256A File containing
D HTTP_Acc S 256A File containing
D HTTP_Coo S 512A varying
D HTTP_Refer S 256A File containing
D HTTP_UserA S 256A File containing
D C_Type S 256A File containing
D C_Length S 256A File containing
D IBM_CCSID S 256A File containing
D AUTH_TYPE S 256A File containing
D CGI_A_CCS S 256A File containing
D CGI_MODE S 256A File containing
D CGI_E_CCS S 256A File containing
* Variable for countp subprocedure
D counter S 10i 0 Returned counter
* Variables for retrieving cgi variable counts and numbers
D VarCount s 10i 0 cgivarval
D VarOcc s 10i 0 occurence
* Return code
D rc s 10i 0 inz(0) return code
D oses s 300 oper systems
* For handling persistence
Dsessionid s 15
Dpathinfo s 250
Dpathinfolen s 10i 0
Dtimeout s 5u 0 inz(3) min for httimeout hd
* Program timing variables
D timedata1 s z
D timedata2 s z
D ms s 10i 0
D sec s 10p 3
* Indicators for chknbr subprocedure
D ChkNbrInds ds
D Indicators n dim(7)
* Initialization complete switch
D InitComplete s n
* Some nice fields to help us through from lower to upper case character conversion
D lw C CONST('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
* Program timing variables
D TimeStart s z
D TimeEnd s z
D MsElaps s 10i 0
D SecElaps s 10p 3
* For program status data structure and program status subroutine
D pssrswitch s 1 inz(*off) switch for pssr
D wrotetop s 1 inz(*off) Whthr top sec wrtn
D psds sds Pgm status DS
D psdsdata 429 The data
* For documentation of Program Status Data Structure fields, see
* http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/cgi-bin/bookmgr/BOOKS/QB3AGZ03/
* SHELF=QB3AYC08&DT=19990323173815#TBLPROSTA8
* Program name
D psdsPgmNam 10 overlay(psdsdata:001)
* Status code
D psdsStsCde 5s 0 overlay(psdsdata:011)
* Previous status code
D psdsStsPrv 5s 0 overlay(psdsdata:016)
* RPG IV source listing line number or statement number
D psdsStmNbr 8 overlay(psdsdata:021)
* Name of the RPG IV routine in which the exception or error occurred
D psdsErrRtn 8 overlay(psdsdata:029)
* Number of parameters passed to this program from the calling pgm
* (-1 if no parameters)
D psdsParms 3s 0 overlay(psdsdata:037)
* Exception type (CPF or MCH)
D psdsExcTyp 3 overlay(psdsdata:040)
* Exception number (message number)
D psdsExcNbr 4 overlay(psdsdata:043)
* Work area for messages (internal use only)
D psdsMsgWrk 30 overlay(psdsdata:051)
* Name of library in which the program is located
D psdsPgmLib 10 overlay(psdsdata:081)
* Retrieved exception data
D psdsExcDta 80 overlay(psdsdata:091)
* Identification of the exception that caused
* RNX9001 exception to be signaled
D psdsExcID 4 overlay(psdsdata:171)
* Name of file on which the last file operation occurred
* (updated only when an error occurs)
D psdsExcFl 10 overlay(psdsdata:175)
* Date (*DATE format) the job entered the system
D psdsDATE 8 overlay(psdsdata:191)
* First 2 digits of a 4-digit year
D psdsYEAR1 2s 0 overlay(psdsdata:199)
* Name of file on which the last file operation occurred
* (updated only when an error occurs)
* For longer file name, see field "psdsExcFl"
D psdsExcFlS 8 overlay(psdsdata:201)
* Status information on the last file used
D psdsLstFSts 35 overlay(psdsdata:209)
* Job name
D psdsJobNam 10 overlay(psdsdata:244)
* User profile name
D psdsUsrNam 10 overlay(psdsdata:254)
* Job number
D psdsJobNbr 6 overlay(psdsdata:264)
* Date (in UDATE format) the program started running in the system
D psdsRunDtS 6 overlay(psdsdata:270)
* Time (in the format hhmmss) the program started running in the system
D psdsRunTmS 6 overlay(psdsdata:276)
* Time (in the format hhmmss) of the program running
D psdsRunTmR 6 overlay(psdsdata:282)
* Date (in UDATE format) the program was compiled
D psdsCmpDat 6 overlay(psdsdata:288)
* Time (in the format hhmmss) the program was compiled
D psdsCmpTme 6 overlay(psdsdata:294)
* Level of the compiler
D psdsCmpLvl 4 overlay(psdsdata:300)
* Source file name
D psdsSrcF 10 overlay(psdsdata:304)
* Source library name
D psdsSrcFLb 10 overlay(psdsdata:314)
* Source member name
D psdsSrcMbr 10 overlay(psdsdata:324)
* Program containing procedure
D psdsPrcPgm 10 overlay(psdsdata:334)
* Module containing procedure
D psdsPrcMod 10 overlay(psdsdata:344)
* Source Id matching the statement number from positions 21-28
D psdsSrcId1 2s 0 overlay(psdsdata:354)
* Source Id matching the statement number from positions 228-235
D psdsSrcId2 2s 0 overlay(psdsdata:356)
* Current user profile name
D psdsUsrPrf 10 overlay(psdsdata:358)