/copy CGIDEV2/qrpglesrc,prototypeb
/copy CGIDEV2/qrpglesrc,usec
*================= Prototypes for calling ICONV API's ====================
* Prototype for QtqIconvOpen (Code Conversion Allocation API)
*The QtqIconvOpen() function performs the necessary initializations to convert character encod
*ings from the source CCSID identified by the fromcode to the CCSID identified by the tocode.
*It then returns a conversion descriptor of data type iconv_t. For EBCDIC mixed-byte encodings
*, the conversion descriptor is set to the initial single-byte shift state.
D QtqIconvOpen pr extproc('QtqIconvOpen')
D like(iconv_t)
D toCode likeds(iconv_code) const
D fromCode likeds(iconv_code) const
* Prototype for iconv (Code Conversion API)
*The iconv() function converts a buffer of characters specified by the inbuf parameter from on
*e coded character set identifier (CCSID) into another CCSID and stores the converted characte
*rs into a buffer specified by the outbuf parameter. (The inbuf parameter points to a variable
*that points to the first character in the input buffer. The outbuf parameter points to a vari
*able that points to the first available byte in the output buffer.) The CCSIDs used are those
*in the conversion descriptor, cd, which was returned from the call to either the iconv_open()
*or the QtqIconvOpen() function.
D*myiconv pr 10i 0 extproc('iconv')
D myiconv pr extproc('iconv')
D cd like(iconv_t) value
D inbuf *
D inbytesleft 10u 0
D outbuf *
D outbytesleft 10u 0
*The iconv_close() function closes the conversion descriptor cd that was initialized by the
*iconv_open() or QtqIconvOpen() function.
D iconv_close pr 10i 0 extproc('iconv_close')
D cd like(iconv_t) value
*================= Prototypes for local subprocedures ====================
D pr
D InpCodePage 10u 0
D OutCodePage 10u 0
*================= Data structures for use of iconv ======================
* Conversion descriptor (cd)
D iconv_t ds qualified
D based(StructureTemplate)
D return_value 10i 0 if error occurred
D cd 10i 0 dim(12)
D iconv_code ds qualified
D ccsid 10i 0 inz ccsid
D ConvAlt 10i 0 inz cnv alternative
D SubsAlt 10i 0 inz subs alternative
D ShiftAlt 10i 0 inz(1) shift alternative
D InpLenOp 10i 0 inz(0) length option
D ErrorOpt 10i 0 inz(1) mx error option
D Reserved 8 inz(*allx'00') reserved
// Conversion tables
D gFromUNIC ds likeds(iconv_t)
D gToUNIC ds likeds(iconv_t)
D gConvFrom ds likeds(iconv_code)
D inz(*LIKEDS)
D gConvTo ds likeds(iconv_code)
D inz(*LIKEDS)
P CVTSTG b export
D InpCodePage 10u 0
D InpBufP *
D InpBufLen 10u 0
D OutCodePage 10u 0
D OutBufP *
D OutBufLen 10u 0
D OutDtaLen 10u 0
D InpBufPSave s *
D OutBufPSave s *
// Save pointers, they may be modified by the iconv() API
myiconv(gFromUNIC: InpBufP: InpBufLen: OutBufP: OutBufLen);
outDtaLen=outDtaLen-OutBufLen; //OutBufLen is now the length of non-translated data
// Restore pointers
P b
D pi
D InpCodePage 10u 0
D OutCodePage 10u 0
gConvFrom.CCSID = InpCodePage;
gConvTo.CCSID = OutCodePage;
gFromUNIC = QtqIConvOpen(gConvTo: gConvFrom);
P e